Data for: The effects of status mobility and group identity on trust

Published: 23 May 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fp3b328wk4.1
Marie Claire Villeval,


This archive contains the replication files for “The effects of status mobility and group identity on trust”, by R. Suchon and M.C. Villeval (2019). • The data_do folder contains the data and the codes for replication of the statistical analysis. The code is in a do file generated with stata 14 ( The data are in stata 14 format (SuchonVilleval.dta) and .csv format (SuchonVilleval.csv). o The sub-folder “graph” is where the figure will be stored upon running the do file. Figures are saved in stata (gph) and png format. o The sub-folder “table” is where the table will be stored upon running the do file. Table are stored in .tex and .csv format. o . A codebook is provided in .pdf format (variable_codebook.pdf) o To replicate the analysis from the paper: o copy-paste the data_do folder in a directory of your choice on your computer. o Open with the stata do-file editor. o Use the “cd” command to set the working directory to the directory where you have paste the replication files o Now, you are ready to run the replication codes. o The do_files follows the chronology of the paper. Each piece of code is preceded by a brief description. o For any further information about the code or the data, please send an email to



