Data for: The effects of status mobility and group identity on trust
This archive contains the replication files for “The effects of status mobility and group identity on trust”, by R. Suchon and M.C. Villeval (2019). • The data_do folder contains the data and the codes for replication of the statistical analysis. The code is in a do file generated with stata 14 ( The data are in stata 14 format (SuchonVilleval.dta) and .csv format (SuchonVilleval.csv). o The sub-folder “graph” is where the figure will be stored upon running the do file. Figures are saved in stata (gph) and png format. o The sub-folder “table” is where the table will be stored upon running the do file. Table are stored in .tex and .csv format. o . A codebook is provided in .pdf format (variable_codebook.pdf) o To replicate the analysis from the paper: o copy-paste the data_do folder in a directory of your choice on your computer. o Open with the stata do-file editor. o Use the “cd” command to set the working directory to the directory where you have paste the replication files o Now, you are ready to run the replication codes. o The do_files follows the chronology of the paper. Each piece of code is preceded by a brief description. o For any further information about the code or the data, please send an email to