SEGAE dataset
A serious game called SEGAE was created by six European universities in 2020 (Jouan et al., 2020). The game aims to improve the process of learning agroecology. Based on a modeling framework, it includes a graphical interface and a matrix that are connected by a calculation engine programmed in JavaScript. The matrix quantifies impacts of agroecological practices on many indicators in a synthetic way using an output-oriented approach. Unlike a process-based approach, which mechanistically represents biological processes in a farming system, the output-oriented approach focuses directly on impacts of practices on indicators. The output-oriented approach can thus be likened to an empirical approach at the farm scale. The main advantage of this approach is to summarize in a matrix the impacts of practices on relevant indicators while keeping the model simple. The database available with this article is an adapted version of the matrix in the game. It was (i) simplified to ease reading and (ii) supplemented with the references on which it is based. This database is available in a Microsoft® Excel workbook (SEGAEmatrix.xlsx), which contains seven worksheets: - A brief User Manual to get started with the matrix - Five intermediate worksheets contain the game’s matrix and default values of parameters and indicators. The methods used to determine impact factors are specified, as are their references. The matrix was divided into four worksheets to separate indicators related to crop production, animal production, the environment and socio-economic aspects of the farming system. - The final worksheet provides the details of the references cited in the intermediate worksheets.