Associations between health biomarkers and fertility - supplemental material

Published: 28 October 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fp8v2f5nm9.1
, William Wales, Christie Ho


Associations between serum health biomarker concentrations and reproductive performance, accounting for milk yield, in pasture-based Holstein cows in south-eastern Australia Supplemental material comprising: - Table S1. Distributions of calving to sampling intervals and calving to mating start date intervals for lactations used for biomarker descriptive statistics, and for lactations used to assess associations between each biomarker and each of reproductive performance and milk yield. - Table S2. Distributions of cow ages at calving for lactations used for biomarker descriptive statistics, and for lactations used to assess associations between each biomarker and each of reproductive performance and milk yield. - Table S3. Distributions of calving systems for lactations used for biomarker descriptive statistics, and for lactations used to assess associations between each biomarker and each of reproductive performance and milk yield. - Table S4. Associations between serum biomarker concentration and mating start date to conception intervals in pasture-based Holstein cows for biomarker concentration measured at 5, 17 and 29 d after calving when interaction between biomarker concentration and calving to sampling interval is fitted. - Figure S1. Relationships between serum biomarker concentrations measured ≤ 30 d after calving and hazard of conception from mating start date in pasture-based Holstein cows.



Agricultural Science, Epidemiology, Animal Reproductive Performance, Dairy, Animal Fertility
