Modernizing Procurement Systems: Overcoming Barriers to Efficiency in Tendering Through Technology Adoption

Published: 3 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fpkbn8hr74.1
Yusif Inusah,


This paper seeks to identify and validate barriers in traditional paper-based tendering systems to embrace technology. After a thorough literature was conducted to identify main barriers in the tendering process, a survey and interviews were carried out with experts in the Ghanaian construction sector . Experts utilized 4-point Likert scale to assess perceived barriers to traditional paper-based tendering system. Data were collected through a Google survey and structured interviews conducted in Ghana. Initially, a pilot survey involving tender and procurement experts and lecturers refined the questionnaire to avoid errors during data collection. The primary survey targeted experts in public institutions across all 16 regions of Ghana, spanning November 2022 to December 2023, with 106 respondents. Experts were contacted via email, telephone (WhatsApp calls), video conferencing calls for interviews, and utilizing a snowball technique to find new experts.


Steps to reproduce

This paper seeks to identify and validate barriers in traditional paper-based tendering systems to embrace technology. After a thorough literature was conducted to identify main barriers in the tendering process, a survey and interviews were carried out with experts in the Ghanaian construction sector . Experts utilized 4-point Likert scale to assess perceived barriers to traditional paper-based tendering system. Data were collected through a Google survey and structured interviews conducted in Ghana. Initially, a pilot survey involving tender and procurement experts and lecturers refined the questionnaire to avoid errors during data collection. The primary survey targeted experts in public institutions across all 16 regions of Ghana, spanning November 2022 to December 2023, with 106 respondents. Experts were contacted via email, telephone (WhatsApp calls), video conferencing calls for interviews, and utilizing a snowball technique to find new experts.


