Digital competences, methodology and evaluation in teacher educators

Published: 29 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fpnfb6cnpw.1


Digital skills are being considered in the current professional profile of the higher education teacher and the teaching-learning models have been adapted to the different social and educational changes; In this sense, university teachers have different levels of development of digital skills and the educational model centered on the student is the one that predominates. The methodology of this study responds to a mixed, non-experimental, cross-sectional and correlational design. The data used in this study were based on the anonymous application of two questionnaires to university professors, the SPSS software was used and the results were presented in tables and figures.


Steps to reproduce

Descargar el conjunto de datos desde la fuente oficial o plataforma de Data set de Mendeley. Explorar la documentación segun conveniencia. Se incluye los datos del articulo y el cuadernillo de evaluacion de las competencias digitales. Para acceder a los datos originales descargue el archivo que esta en excel. Se han adjuntado documentos que validan los resultados. Los descriptores han sido seleccionados del dataset.


Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria de Arequipa


Teacher Education, Database Security, Educational Assessment, Evaluation Procedure, Higher Education Teacher, Interdisciplinary Collaboration, Methodology in Education, Information Technology in Education, Knowledge Development, Technological Competition, Developing Individual Competence, Professional Skill, Digital Content Protection, Computer Literacy


Inter-American Development Bank

