Data for: Aged fragrance formed during the post-fermentation process of dark tea at an industrial scale
It is well known that aged fragrance is the most outstanding quality characteristic of dark tea, and determines its market value. However, the formation of aged fragrance during the whole process of dark tea still is not much clear, especially in a large scale. Qingzhuan tea as one of famous Chinese dark teas, is known for its aged fragrance quality, and its production has a typical post-fermentation (piling-fermentation, aging and subsequent processes). In this study, we analyzed the volatile compounds of Qingzhuan tea during the whole post-fermentation process, including sun-dried green tea (P1), piling-fermentation for 3 days (P2), 6 days (P3), 9 days (P4), 12 days (P5), 15 days (P6), 18 days (P7), 21 days (P8), 24 days (P9), and 27 days (P10), and aging for 10 days (A2), 20 days (A4), 30 days (A6), 90 days (A8), 180 days (A11), 270 days (A14), and 360 days (A17); and the samples at before steamed (S1) and after steamed (S2), and the pressed brick tea products (S3). About these results will be better to understand the formation of aged fragrance in dark tea and to optimize the process technology of dark tea. Here, we upload the volatile compounds from thee thirty samples to the data repository to support our article conclusion: Supplementary Excel file 1 Identified volatile compounds in samples during pile-fermentation. Supplementary Excel file 2 Identified volatile compounds in samples during aging and subsequent process. Supplementary Excel file 3 Chemical classification of all volatile components in the present study.