Data on Developing learning materials on learning evaluation courses for elementary school in Indonesian
The data presented in this article is to examine the product development of teaching materials used in learning evaluation courses on students in elementary school education study programs in Indonesian private institutions. The research activities were carried out at Kuningan University, West Java, Indonesia. The total population of students elementary school on an education study program in the learning evaluation course was 108 students in classes A, B, C. This research uses the entire population to see the feasibility and effectiveness of learning material development products. The research method used is research and development developed by Borg & Gall. Moreover, the researcher modifies the development model by paying attention to the process of developing learning products and validating development products. Feasibility analysis and validation were carried out by learning evaluation experts using descriptive statistical analysis techniques, data analysis techniques to determine the effectiveness of pre-test and post-test using normalized gain score or normalized gain score <g>
Steps to reproduce
The first procedure in this research is a preliminary study by collecting all initial information from lecturers in the course, lesson plan documents, and student needs in the elementary school study program. The second is planning, namely collecting materials or references to be used in formulating and developing Learning Evaluation teaching materials. Third, the developing preliminary of product, which is developing the initial product teaching material evaluation of primary school learning begins with looking at the lesson plan, then collects and examines the references needed so that the results of the development can facilitate the expected goals of the lesson plan achievement and are directed to be validated by experts in the evaluation of primary school learning materials. The fourth stage is preliminary field testing. This activity conducted preliminary field testing to see some of the weaknesses that exist in the product being developed. The fifth stage is main product revision. Revision to compile the main product with the revision and improvement of the results of the preliminary field testing of elementary school Learning Evaluation materials to obtain input obtained from experts. The sixth main field testing is testing a product that has been developed and perfected in a limited class 1 class in the elementary school study program involving all students in the class and distributing questionnaires in response to the use of development products. The next stage is revising to improve operational product testing. This activity includes assessments, suggestions, comments, and input from lecturers, experts, and student needs in order to improve the products that will be produced and then be trialed back to a larger scale. The eighth stage is the Operational field testing by involving 2 classes B and C students of elementary school study program to get students' responses regarding further development products and revisions. The last stage is the final product revision. Activities at this stage are revising and perfecting the final product after a revision of the implementation test so that the final product is found to be following the lesson plan and learning process