A Model for Two-Digit Number Processing Based on a Joint Garner and System Factorial Technology Analysis
These data are from a manuscript by Fitousi and Algom Experiment 1 (The Garner paradigm) Name of the file: FitousiAlgom_Experiment1. txt Data Structure V1= subject number V2 = Counter V3 = Task (1 = decade, 2 = unit) V4 = Block (1= Filtering, 2 = Baseline1, 3= Baseline2, 4= Positive Correlation, 5 = Negative Correlation) V5= Stimulus (two-digit number) V6 = Decade digit V7 = Unit digit V8 = Reaction time (in milliseconds) V9 = keypress response (1 = “m”, 2 = ”z”) V10 = accuracy (0=correct, 1 = incorrect) Experiment 2 (The System Factorial paradigm) Name of the file: FitousiAlgom_Experiment2_sub1-4. txt Data Structure V1= subject number V2 = day (1= day one, 2 = day two) V3 = counter V4 = stimulus (two-digit number) V5= salience condition (1 = HH, 2 = LH, 3 = HL, 4 = LL) V6 = reaction time in milliseconds V7 = keypress response (1 = “m”, 2 = ”z”) V8 = accuracy (0=correct, 1 = incorrect) V9 = unit digit V10 = decade digit V11 = trial type (the numbers refer to type: 1 = double target, 2 = single target decade, 3 = single target unit, 4 = no-target; the letters refer to salience level (a = HH, b= LH, c =HL, and d = LL). So, for example, 3d refers to a single target unit trial with LL salience.