Santos, L. C. et al. Nat.Com.:HeLa, Perturbations:(TRAIL), Replicate:1 2017
Published: 21 February 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/frfdmshfmg.1
pablo meyerDescription
Note that in the directory there should be: live_cell_stats.csv For each sample, row in the table there should be: Filename of flow cytometry measurements of live cells dose for each perturbation fraction of cells alive perturbation_info.csv Code for perturbations, e.g. TRAIL or ABT signal.csv Code for which channel is mitochondria and cell size live_cell_data/ This directory has the flow cytometry measurements of the live cells.
Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology
Systems Biology, Apoptosis