An improved version of PyWolf with multithread-based parallelism support

Published: 25 November 2024| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/frjscxypkd.3


PyWolf is an open-source software with a graphical user interface that performs numerical simulations of the cross-spectral density function propagation of planar sources using parallel computation through PyOpenCL. In the previous versions of PyWolf, the user could select the OpenCL devices and platforms to perform the parallel computations on several tasks, except for that related to the two-dimensional (2D) fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The latter task can have a large computation time since one has to perform a large amount of 2D FFTs over 2D slices of a four-dimensional array. The option of using multithread-based computation on these loops and other tasks can be an advantage for multi-core CPUs and can significantly decrease the computation time. Here, I present version 3.0.0 of PyWolf, which adds a multithreading option to be used for the 2D FFT computations. This multithreading option can also be easily implemented in other time-consuming tasks.



Computational Physics, Parallel Computing, Coherence
