Global Distribution of Lava Channels on Venus
Published: 11 November 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/frsh4z5f4v.1
Sydney Bledsoe, Description
This dataset is a shapefile containing lava channels mapped globally on the surface of Venus. These channels were mapped in ArcGIS 10.8 and converted to ArcGIS Pro. is the shapefile containing the map traces of 66 of the 72 named channels on Venus, following the methods detailed within Bledsoe_Methods.pdf. There are 121 polylines, designated by primary length (1), secondary (2), and data gores (straight). Details are listed within the metadata and attribute table.
Steps to reproduce
Follow the methodology outlined in Bledsoe_Methods.pdf.
University of Georgia
Venus, Volcanism, Planetary Geology