Anchoring as a mechanism for modifying risk-taking behavior in military aviation

Published: 10 August 2023| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/fs4t47smm2.2
Constantin Roanghesi


This study was designed to examine the possibility of using anchor bias in changing risk-taking behavior in BART-type tasks. The study involved 90 participants organized in three experimental groups in which the subjects go through BART-type tasks in which the combination of balloons changes in such a way as to induce the anchoring effect. For this research, we formulated the following hypotheses : H 1: Anchoring mechanisms operate in both uncertainty and risk conditions, and this mechanism can influence the level of risk-taking; H 2: Impulsivity acts on the risk-taking behavior in all stages of the experiment; H 3.1: Between the results of the BART sample and variables demographic: age, type of function, the risk associated to function, and number of missions doing into a TO, are significant association; H 3.2: There are significant associations between the results of the BART test and the variables of personality and impulsivity; H 4: Risk-taking behavior remains constant high or low during the three stages.



Universitatea din Bucuresti


Decision Making, Anchoring Effect, Behavior Change, Risk
