Formation and propagation processes over the time of quantum fractals

Published: 19 June 2019| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/fs6kzp8m2w.2
Igor Kudinov


A video file, with a representation of the formation and propagation processes over the time of quantum fractals generated in the examined wave guide, was created based on the calculations in the study ( Since the wave guide is a resonator, after two fronts of high frequency oscillations meet in its center, only waves satisfying the resonance conditions exist, i.e. a whole number of halfwaves must fit between the walls of the wave guide. Wavelengths differing from resonance ones are suppressed. Therefore, fractal structures emerge due to resonance oscillations in the wave guide inter-wall space.



Samara State Technical University


Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modeling, Plasma, Fractals, Electromagnetic Waves
