Dataset of Deep Learning from Landsat-8 Satellite Images for Estimating Burned Areas in Indonesia

Published: 10 January 2022| Version 4 | DOI: 10.17632/fs7mtkg2wk.4
Yudhi Prabowo, Kuncoro Adi Pradono, Qonita Amriyah, Kurnia Ulfa, Fadillah Halim Rasyidy, Irwan Bengkulah, Muhammad Thufaili Imdad, Shadiq Ali, Rahmat Arief


The dataset consist of three categories; image subsets, burned area masks and quicklooks. The image subsets are derived from Landsat-8 scenes taken during the years 2019 and 2021. Each image has a size of 512x512 pixels and consists of 8 multispectral. The sequence of band names from band 1 to band 7 of the image subset is same as the sequence of band names of landsat-8 scene, except for band 8 of the image subset which is band 9 (cirrus band) in the original landsat-8 scene. The image subsets are saved in GeoTIFF file format with the latitude longitude coordinate system and WGS 1984 as the datum. The spatial resolution of image subsets is 0.00025 degree and the pixel values are stored in 16 bit unsigned integer with the range of value from 0 to 65535. The total of the dataset is 227 images which containing object of burned area surrounded by various ecological diversity backgrounds such as forest, shrub, grassland, waterbody, bare land, settlement, cloud and cloud shadow. In some cases, there are some image subsets with the burned areas covered by smoke due to the fire is still active. Some image subsets also overlap each other to cover the area of burned scar which the area is too large. The burned area mask is a binary annotation image which consists of two classes; burned area as the foreground and non-burned area as the background. These binary images are saved in 8 bit unsigned integer where the burned area is indicated by the pixel value of 1, whereas the non-burned area is indicated by 0. The burned area masks in this dataset contain only burned scars and are not contaminated with thick clouds, shadows, and vegetation. Among 227 images, 206 images contain burned areas whereas 21 images contain only background. The highest number of images in this dataset is dominated by images with coverage percentage of burned area between 0 and 10 percent. Our dataset also provides quicklook image as a quick preview of image subset. It offers a fast and full size preview of image subset without opening the file using any GIS software. The quicklook images can also be used for training and evaluating the model as a substitute of image subsets. The image size is 512x512 pixels same as the size of image subset and annotation image. It consists of three bands as a false color composite quicklook images, with combination of band 7 (SWIR-2), band 5 (NIR), and band 4 (red). These RGB composite images have been performed contrast stretching to enhance the images visualizations. The quicklook images are stored in GeoTIFF file format with 8 bit unsigned integer. This work was financed by Riset Inovatif Produktif (RISPRO) fund through Prioritas Riset Nasional (PRN) project, grant no. 255/E1/PRN/2020 for 2020 - 2021 contract period.



Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional


Recognition, Features Detection, Deep Learning
