Published: 15 August 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fsf2z9zzzb.1
ying hongDescription
Results: COL10A1, ZNF587, and TFAP2A were identified as biomarkers according to multiple analysis. The AUC value of biomarkers was greater than 0.7, and biomarkers had significant difference and consistent expression trends between BC and control groups in two datasets. Moreover, 6 differential immune cells, including macrophages, monocytes were screened out between BC and control groups. Finally, 3 potential therapeutic drugs targeting TFAP2A, which included nelfinavir, indinavir and amprenavir were identified from the DG1db database . Conclusion: Overall, three EIS-related biomarkers (COL10A1, ZNF587, and TFAP2A) associated with BC were identified, laying a theoretical foundation for the treatment of BC.
Ningbo No 2 Hospital
Breast Cancer Subtyping