PYATB: An efficient Python package for electronic structure calculations using ab initio tight-binding model

Published: 1 August 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fsfpdy9t5r.1


We present PYATB, a Python package designed for computing band structures and related properties of materials using the ab initio tight-binding Hamiltonian. The Hamiltonian is directly obtained after conducting self-consistent calculations with first-principles packages using numerical atomic orbital bases, such as ABACUS. The package comprises three modules: Bands, Geometric, and Optical. In the Bands module, one can calculate essential properties of band structures, including the partial density of states, fat bands, Fermi surfaces, and Weyl/Dirac points. The band unfolding method is utilized to obtain the energy band spectra of a supercell by projecting the electronic structure of the supercell onto the Brillouin zone of the primitive cell. With the Geometric module, one can compute the Berry phase and Berry curvature-related quantities, such as electric polarization, Wilson loops, Chern numbers, and anomalous Hall conductivities. The Optical module offers a range of optical property calculations, including optical conductivity and nonlinear optical responses, such as shift current and Berry curvature dipole.



Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics, Optical Property, Electronic Band Structure
