Rhea americana distribution

Published: 4 May 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fvwcwhwt9v.1
Everton Miranda


Geographic records of greater rheas (Rhea americana). ID refer to record identity. Database refers to the source of the popular science records. Year refers to the year when the coordinate was collected. County refers to the county where the data was collected, or equivalent (municipality, prefecture, etc.). State refers to the State where the record was collected, or equivalent (province, department, etc.). Long refers to longitude Lat refers to latitude, both in decimal degrees. Ecoregion refers to the site ecoregion following WWF or IBGE guidelines. Distribution refers to the record being from native, introduced or range expansion (please check methods for details). Source_eco refers to the source pointing to each ecoregion. Record refers to the kind of sighting made, like nests, eggs, footprints or actual individuals.


Steps to reproduce

The records where plotted on ArcGIS.


University of KwaZulu-Natal


Natural Sciences
