Data supporting development and validation of liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method for the quantitative determination of bile acids in feces

Published: 19 March 2021| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fvy6cz8bgj.1


The data presented here support the optimization of feces sample extraction for sensitive quantification of bile acids in human feces using LC-MS/MS. The dataset includes: Comparison between recovery of bile acids from (a) dried feces, (b) dried feces spiked with deuterated internal standards prior to drying, and (c) wet feces Short-term stability data for bile acids standard solutions and fecal extracts containing bile acids after 24 h storage at room temperature and at 6°C Data for multiple freeze-thaw cycles on bile acids recovery in both standard solutions and fecal samples Bile acids recovery from cold and warm extractions data



Edith Cowan University


Bile Acid, Analytical Method, Fecal Analysis, Extraction Methods, Methods Development
