Data of 129I and 137Cs concentrations in suspended particulate matter dispersed in eastern Japan after the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan
This Excel dataset compiles 129I and 137Cs radioactivity concentrations for suspended particulate matter (SPM) dispersed in eastern Japan after the 2011 nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan. The SPM samples were collected routinely every hour at approximately 1300 sites, of which original purpose is to measure environmental pollution levels in the air quality monitoring network of Japan. A total of 920 hourly SPM samples were measured. These samples were collected at 41 SPM sampling stations (17 sites in Fukushima, 1 site in Miyagi and 23 sites in the metropolitan area). For collecting the SPM samples, glass filter (GF) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PRFE) filters were used at 31 and 10 sites, respectively. The excel sheet consists of 42 sheets. For the first 41 sheets, each sheet corresponds to each sampling station and is composed of 14 rows from A to N. Descriptions of these rows as follows; A: Station code of five digits. The first two digits denote each prefecture (e.g., 05 denotes Fukushima). B and C: Sampling time; B for date and C for sampling hour. D and E: Data for 129I; D for activity concentration in Bq m-3 and E for corresponding error (1 sigma). F: Quality information for the value given in row D. Quality information is summarized in Sheet 42. G and H: Data for 137Cs; D for activity concentration in Bq m-3 and E for corresponding error (1 sigma). I: Quality information for the value given in row G. Quality information is summarized in Sheet 42. J and K: J for activity concentration ratios of 129I and 137Cs in Bq/Bq and K for corresponding error (1 sigma). L: Filter material used; GF (glass fiber) or PEFE (polytetrafluoroethylene). M and N: Location of the corresponding sampling station; M for longitude (E) and N for latitude (N). The last 42nd sheet describes the quality information which is referred to in the rows F and I.