Data for: Active Grain Growth Control with Distributed Heating

Published: 31 March 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fxnwhs6dx3.1
John Wen


# List of Data Sets 5 sets of data are included in total: 1. output_feedback/consensus_tracking: Figure 7 (a) (b) 2. output_feedback/consensus_only: Figure 7 (c) (d) 3. MPC/consensus_tracking: Figure 9 (a) (b) 4. MPC/consensus_only: Figure 9 (c) (d) 5. inner_outer_loop/consensus_only: Figure 10 (c) (d) # Description of Dataset Every data set contains 5 files: 1. input_current.txt: 11 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 10 columns input current to the heater array (unit: mA) 2. temp_profile.txt: 32 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 31 columns store copper surface temperature at 31 node coordinates (find node coordinates in temp_cor.txt). Temperature unit: degree Kelvin 3. profile_gs.txt: 101 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 100 columns store grain size profile at 100 coordinates (find grain size profile coordinates in gs_cor.txt). Grain size unit: micrometer. 4. zone_gs.txt: 11 columns. The first column stores time (unit: second). The other 10 columns store squared grain size in 10 zones (unit micrometer^2) 5. temp_cor.txt: coordinates of temperature profile nodes. Unit: mm 6. gs_cor.txt: coordinates of grain size profile nodes. Unit: mm



Grain Growth
