Data for the manuscript "Revealing the Importance of Capillary and Collisional Stresses on Soil Bed Erosion Induced by Debris Flows"
These data are generated in the lab and are about the erosion of an unsaturated soil bed by collisional flow.
Steps to reproduce
The data uploaded include: (1) Erosion profile - The erosion depth measured by using erosion columns and the calculated erosion rate for each test; (2) Soil bed shear strength - The data compulsory for estimating the shear strength of the unsaturated soil bed; (3) Flow-depth& velocity - Time series data about the flow depth (measured by an ultrasonic sensor) and velocity of the flow (extracted using the PIV technique) at the interface between the non-erodible and erodible beds; (4) Flow depth & pore pressure - Time series data about the flow depth (measured by an ultrasonic sensor) and the pore water pressure (measured by a pore pressure transducer.