Dataset for the identification of the classes of events most relevant to the occurrence of individual phases of selected 30 maritime disasters occurred between 1912 and 2019

Published: 27 January 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fygdybctyt.1
Dorota Chybowska


This dataset supports a new approach to modelling and causal analysis of the course of disasters using maritime events as an example. The proposed approach is based on the integration of network and probabilistic methods. The developed research method is used to confirm the thesis that in the studied population of disasters, in each phase of the process during the course of a disaster, which is distinguished by means of an event network, there are dominant classes of basic events (sets of events with similar characteristics). A proprietary research method, based on an integrated approach using event network analysis and failure tree analysis, is used to prove the thesis. This research makes it possible to distinguish, in each disaster, the different phases of its course: the latent, initiating, escalating, critical, and energy-release parts. The course of 30 maritime disasters with severe consequences is modelled in detail. The events occurred between 1912 and 2019. A total of 608 basic events are identified in the analysed population, enabling the identification and characterisation of 44 classes of events covering human error, inadequacy of equipment and environmental impact. The significance of basic events within each phase is then determined. For this purpose, Birnbaum’s reliability measure, Birnbaum’s structural measure, criticality measure, Veseley-Fussell measure, Lambert’s measure and improvement potential are used. The calculated measures enable the building of rankings on the importance of events in each of the phases of each of the analysed disasters. This makes it possible to draw quantitative and qualitative conclusions on each analysed disaster and each population studied. The dataset consist of files: 1. The development of sea disasters from 1912 to 2019 – dataset. 2. FTA models for disasters at sea for the period 1912-2019 – dataset. 3. Process models for disasters at sea for the period 1912-2019 – dataset.



Risk Analysis, Environmental Incident, Accident, Disaster, Critical Incident, Major Incident, Maritime Transportation, Catastrophe
