"Exploring the Impact of Social Media on Mental Health Perspectives in Young Adults."

Published: 15 October 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fyv4zktrj7.1


The research hypothesis is that frequent use of social media contributes to increased anxiety, depression, and loneliness among young adults. This hypothesis is supported by the data, which shows that more frequent social media users are more likely to report experiencing mental health problems. The data also shows that excessive social media use is associated with higher levels of reported loneliness. The data was gathered through a review of existing research on the topic. The researchers searched academic databases, grey literature, and online platforms for studies that investigated the relationship between social media use and mental health in young adults. They then screened and selected studies that met specific criteria, such as those that focused on young adults, used peer-reviewed methods, and were published within the last five years. The researchers then extracted and analyzed data from the selected studies. The data shows that there is a strong association between social media use and mental health problems. The researchers found that more frequent social media users are more likely to report experiencing anxiety, depression, and loneliness. They also found that excessive social media use is associated with higher levels of reported loneliness. The data can be interpreted in a number of ways. One interpretation is that social media can have a negative impact on mental health. This is likely due to a number of factors, such as the pressure to present a perfect image online, the constant exposure to negative or upsetting content, and the tendency to compare oneself to others. Another interpretation is that social media can be a useful tool for connecting with others and staying informed, but it is important to use it in moderation and to be aware of its potential negative effects. The data can be used to inform the development of interventions and support systems for young adults who are struggling with mental health problems. For example, the data could be used to develop educational programs that teach young adults about the potential negative effects of social media and how to use it in a healthy way. The data could also be used to develop support groups for young adults who are struggling with anxiety, depression, or loneliness. It is important to note that the data presented in this research is correlational, which means that it does not prove that social media causes mental health problems. However, the data does suggest that there is a strong association between social media use and mental health problems. Further research is needed to determine whether social media use is a cause or a consequence of mental health problems.


Steps to reproduce

The data presented in this research was gathered through a systematic literature review, following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guidelines. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved: 1. Defining the Scope and Key Words 2. Selecting Databases 3. Developing Search Strings 4. Carrying Out Searches 5. Screening and Selecting Studies 6. Data Extraction and Analysis 7. Review and Update 8. Documenting Findings 9. Instruments, Reagents, Software, or Workflows: Academic Databases, Boolean Operators, PRISMA Guidelines:, Data Analysis Software.


Social Sciences, Psychology, Public Health, Education
