Local residents' perceived authenticity, identity, self-improvement, and responsibility
As to the local residents, this study aims to investigate the mechanism of their perceived authenticity, localized identity, cultural self-improvement, and heritage responsibility. Based on relevant theory and literature review, we construct the following hypotheses: H1: Perceived authenticity positively influences localized identity. H2: Perceived authenticity positively influences cultural self-improvement. H3: localized identity positively influences cultural self-improvement. H4: Localized identity positively influences heritage responsibility. H5: Cultural self-improvement positively influences heritage responsibility. A simple random sampling approach was employed for data collection. With empirical evidence from two well-known world cultural heritage sites (i.e., Kaiping and Yongding in China), the study identifies that local residents’ localized identity and cultural self-improvement, activated by perceived authenticity of the cultural heritage, significantly stimulate their heritage responsibility. Results further reveal the positive impact of localized identity on cultural self-improvement. The mediating effect of localized identity and cultural self-improvement and the moderation effect of two heritage sites are also confirmed.
Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences
National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences
21AH016; 21BGL285
the Hospitality and Tourism Research Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
the Provincial Social Science Foundation of Guizhou
the National Natural Science Foundation of China