Parameterizing the aerodynamic effect of trees in street canyons for the street-network model MUNICH using the CFD model Code_Saturne - Code_Saturne simulation dataset
Published: 3 December 2021| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/fzfrjsz3mv.2
, Description
This repository contains examples of Code_Saturne cases used in the study: Parameterizing the aerodynamic effect of trees in street canyons for the street-network model MUNICH using the CFD model Code_Saturne. The three folders correspond to the three canyons simulated: a large canyon (LC) of aspect ratio 0.3, an intermediate canyon (IC) of aspect ratio 0.5 and a narrow canyon (NC) of aspect ratio 1.0. Each folder contains the mesh (, the source codes (cs_user*) and the set-up (setup.xml) used to performed the simulations.
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computer Simulation, Aerodynamical Modelling