
Published: 18 September 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/fzj8ccp2dj.1
Dely Marysheck Lazo Barreda


Nowadays, the use of information technologies have an impact on decision-making, this investigation determines the influence of digital marketing in the decision-making process of choosing a hotel in the city of Arequipa in the case of a three-star hotel Cercado. The study consists in evaluating the variety platforms that are available to external customers to analyze and specify the reservation, so an investigation was carried out at an explanatory level causal of an application type, for this purpose a sample of 114 guests has been considered, one for each arrival. After an exhaustive analysis, it was concluded that among the variables: social networks, online advertising and online travel agencies. It´s the last optionn that have the that have the greatest influence on the decision to choose the hotel under study in the city of Arequipa in 2018.



Universidad Catolica de Santa Maria de Arequipa


Digital Marketing
