NODYS: NOrmophonic and DYsphonic Speech samples

Published: 18 January 2019| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g2fmkw8t85.1
Isabel Schiller, Angélique Remacle, Dominique Morsomme


This database contains audio files that were recorded and evaluated in the context of the project "Imitating dysphonic voice: a suitable technique to create speech stimuli for spoken language processing tasks?". Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, Sample 4: Dysphonic and normophonic recordings that were perceptually evaluated by five independent SLPs (i.e. GRBAS scale, authenticity, and consistency rating). Pseudo-word pairs_dysphonic, Pseudo-word pairs_normophonic, Pseudo-word pairs_dysphonic_fastSpeed, Pseudo-word pairs_normophonic_fastSpeed: Dysphonic and normophonic recordings of pseudo-word pairs used for a phoneme discrimination task. Linguistic material originates from the ELDP1 task developed by Macchi et al. (2018). Sentences_dysphonic, Sentences_normophonic: Dysphonic and normophonic recordings of sentences used for a sentence comprehension task. Linguistic material originates from the ELO task developed by Khomsi (2001). Researchers who wish to use recordings of the pseudo-word pairs are obliged to provide the following references in their publications: - Schiller, I., Remacle, A., & Morsomme, D. (2019), “NODYS: NOrmophonic and DYsphonic Speech samples”, Mendeley Data, v1, - Macchi, L., Descours, C., Girard, É., Guitton, É, Morel, C., Timmermans, N., & Boidein, F. (2018). ELDP: Épreuve Lilloise de Discrimination Phonologique destinée aux enfants de 5 ans à 11;6 ans. Lille, France: Département d'orthophonie Gabriel Decroix. Researchers who wish to use recordings of the sentences are obliged to provide the following references in their publications: - Schiller, I., Remacle, A., & Morsomme, D. (2019), “NODYS: NOrmophonic and DYsphonic Speech samples”, Mendeley Data, v1, - Khomsi A. 2001. Évaluation du Langage Orale (ELO) [language test]. ECPA Pearson.



Acoustics, Logopedics, Clinical Linguistics, Voice Disorder
