Sample scripts and decomposed sample files for openhdemg v0.1.0-beta.3 in .json format
These sample files and scripts can be used to follow the article "Tutorial: analysis of central and peripheral motor unit properties from decomposed High-Density surface EMG signals with openhdemg" published in the Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. Please note that these files have been created with openhdemg version 0.1.0-beta.3 and might not be compatible with newer releases. If you encounter any issue in the future, visit to download the up-to-date files and scripts associated to the tutorial article. Otherwise, feel free to contact The .json files can be opened in openhdemg version 0.1.0-beta.3 and can be used to test the functionalities of the openhdemg framework in a complete investigation of central and peripheral motor unit properties in a longitudinal study design. The recordings have been performed 4 weeks apart (i.e., “Pre” and “Post”) in a young subject performing moderate physical activity and in duplicates (i.e., “a” and “b” indicate the same contraction repeated twice at each timepoint). The code necessary to load and analyse the provided .json files is available in the .py files. Instructions on how to use them are provided in the tutorial article and on the openhdemg website. For additional information, visit the openhdemg website and the 'Quick Start' section ( If you are new to Python, read the tutorial 'Setup working environment' ( These files can be opened and analysed also with a convenient graphical user interface, without coding. Instructions to do so can be found at (