What CHO is made of: Variations in the biomass composition of Chinese hamster ovary cell lines

Published: 20 May 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g3wz7spyc9.1
, Sarah N. Galleguillos,
, Michael Hanscho,


Data from exponential phase of batch cultures of Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells (13 cell lines / conditions). It contains biomass composition data at one time point in mid-exponential phase (dry mass, protein, lipid, DNA, RNA and carbohydrate content, amino acid and lipid composition), which shows variability of the composition among different cell lines/conditions. Extracellular concentrations of metabolites (amino acids, glucose, lactate, ammonia) were measured throughout the exponential phase and the uptake/secretion rates were calculated. Flux balance analysis was performed to see the impact of cell line specific biomass composition and uptake/secretion rates (calculated with different sampling frequencies) on the predictions of growth rates. Data is structured according to figures in the associated manuscript. For more detailed descriptions of the files see "read_me.txt" files in each folder.



Austrian Centre of Industrial Biotechnology


Lipidomics, Chinese Hamster Ovary Cell, Flux Analysis, Metabolite Profiling, Amino Acid Analysis, Biomass
