Data for: Livestock production, politics and trade: a glimpse from Iron Age and Roman Languedoc

Published: 24 January 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g462dy3xsk.1
Ariadna Nieto Espinet, Delphine Bosch, Silvia Valenzuela Lamas, Armelle Gardeisen


Supplementary materials Fig. 1. Reconstruction of the probability density function for each site and period given the values detailed in table 4. Table 1. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone lengths values by the Cattle of Monédière and Lattara . (In blue) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 2. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone widths values by the Cattle of Monédière and Lattara. (In blue) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 3. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone lengths values by the Sheep/Goat of Monédière and Lattara. (In green) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 4. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone widths values by the Sheep/Goat of Monédière and Lattara. (In green) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 5. Results Mann Mann-Whitney rest for the Strontium isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr). Table 6. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone lengths values by the Cattle of different sites. (In blue) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 7. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone widths values by the Cattle of different sites. (In blue) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 8. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone lenghts values by the Sheep/Goat of different sites. (In green) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value. Table 9. Results Mann-Whitney U test for the Comparison of the LSI bone widths values by the Sheep/Goat of different sites. (In green) Significant difference: *(0.05-0.01), **(0.01-0.001), ***(< 0.001) ; N= Non Significant difference (Wilcox test); NA= missing value.



Archeological Statistics, Zooarchaeology, Strontium Isotope
