Extracellular vesicles (EV) are small membrane particles released by most cell types in response to different stimuli and, represent a new communication modality based on their specific cargo. According to their biogenesis and size, EV can be classified into three main subtypes: exosomes (30-150 nm), microvesicles or microparticles -large EV- (100-1000 nm), and apoptotic bodies (1-5 μm). However, the current main body of research is sustained in the study of EV up to 1 μm in diameter (large EV [lEV]). Furthermore, blood and endothelial cell-derived lEV participate in all the stages of the atherothrombotic process and thus, may contribute to explaining the known residual CV risk that patients with obesity and other associated comorbidities still present following BS, even after massive weight loss along with a great metabolic improvement. Previous studies have identified increased endothelial and blood cell-derived lEV levels in individuals with T2D or obesity. However, very few studies, with limited sample sizes and conflicting results, have explored the interaction of these two metabolic disorders on the EV profile. On the other hand, although former research groups have shown a significant reduction in EV subtypes after BS, others have reported no significant changes. It should also be emphasized that none of the published studies so far have included patients with or without T2D and a normal-weight control group. Furthermore, the relationship between lEV and classical and non-classical CV risk factors has not specifically been assessed, and no consistent results have been reported up to now. Thus, if endothelial dysfunction and/or an abnormal lEV profile could be fully reversible after BS is still unclear. We aimed to compare the release of lEV from blood and endothelial cells between individuals with obesity with or without T2D before and 1 year after BS, and age and sex-matched healthy controls. We further aimed to explore the relationship between the magnitude of lEV concentration changes and the clinical and biochemical outcomes 1-year after BS. Herein, we present all the supplementary fields related to the observational clinical study: “Effects of bariatric surgery on blood and vascular large extracellular vesicles in individuals with or without type 2 diabetes".