The system reliability sensitivity to organizational factors simulation results based on Bayesian Network

Published: 4 June 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g4tr59b84p.1
shuo yang,


This dataset is the simulation results utilizing the Anylogic software to simulate system reliability as the tank polish process, including three workers (supervisor, technician, and operator), and five steps: Step1, the supervisor checks all the tools and facilities; Step2, three workers climb up the scaffold; Step3, supervisor supervise while the technician and operator polish the tank welds; Step4,three workers climb down the scaffold; Step5, technician and operator clean the tank inside. The human error rate is generated from a PERT distribution that includes the min, max, and mean values. These values come from a Bayesian Network comprised of organizational factors that contribute to human error, the inputs values also provide in the dataset.


Steps to reproduce

Utilizing the Anylogic software to simulate system reliability as the tank polish process, including three workers (supervisor, technician, and operator), and five steps: Step1, the supervisor checks all the tools and facilities; Step2, three workers climb up the scaffold; Step3, supervisor supervise while the technician and operator polish the tank welds with sander; Step4, three workers climb down the scaffold; Step5, technician, and the operator clean the tank inside. the equipment reliability is set to 0.001, the human error probability is generated randomly from the pert distribution(min,max, mode), and the system reliability is calculate dynamically according to the work process.


Politecnico di Torino


Human Reliability, Organizational Failure, System Reliability
