Data for: Building as a Virtual Power Plant, Magnitude and Persistence of Deferrable Loads and Human Comfort Implications

Published: 19 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g523kyy4v7.1
Mohammad Royapoor, Sara Walker, Charalampos Patsios, Peter Davison, Mehdi Pajouhesh


Data in summary: 1- Building total B side: This is metered data from one of two mains busbars that supplies all none-emergency services and HVAC equipment 2- Building total A side: This is metered data from the second of two mains busbars that supplies all emergency services including fire safety, comm rooms, emergency lighting and public announcement. It also is connected to a PV array with peak electrical supply of around 33kWe. 3- Half hourly building demand and deferrable load breakdowns: This is processed data that includes building total and HH instances of deferrable loads for all sub-categories of loads considered in this work. It also includes HH instances of PV generation, and outside air temperature. 4- Early morning ramp rates following plant start-up: This is a file containing the difference between two instantaneous recordings of total building electricity consumption that shows the continuous fluctuation in total electricity demand in the building. 5- CO2-raw (Typical office): This files contains actual CO2 data in an office that represents typical space occupant density in the case study building. 6- CO2-raw (worst case): This files contains actual CO2 data in a teaching space that represents the highest observed space occupant density in the case study building. 7- Warming and cooling rates in the worst case zones: This file include actual data describing the operational temperature in the worst case zones most prone to overheating in summer and excessive heat loss in winter.



Electrical Engineering, Photovoltaics, Indoor Environment, Renewable Energy, Building Energy Analysis, Virtual Power Plant
