Thermal Structure of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere of Mars from ACS/TGO CO2 Spectroscopy

Published: 22 August 2022| Version 2 | DOI: 10.17632/g6j5t2z73z.2
Denis Belyaev


This data set represents results from the middle infrared spectrometer of the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS MIR) operating on board ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter in regime of solar occultation. The instrument measures altitude profiles of CO2 density and temperature in the atmosphere of Mars. Here we present the profiles measured during 1.5 Martian Years (MY), from the middle of MY 34 to the end of MY 35. This period correspond to ACS MIR observations from May 2018 to January 2021. The selected dataset comprises 306 occultation sessions in the Northern Hemisphere and 299 sessions in the Southern Hemisphere, encompassing seasonal periods of Solar longitude Ls=180°-355° in MY34 and Ls=0°-356° in MY35. The current Version 1 is a preliminary data storage while the related paper is being under review. Related paper: Belyaev, D. A., et al. (2022). Thermal Structure of the Middle and Upper Atmosphere of Mars from ACS/TGO CO2 Spectroscopy. Open access at ESSOAr: doi:10.1002/essoar.10510820.2 For any detail or question mail to: (Dr. Denis Belyaev)


Steps to reproduce

Content of the OBSERVATION LIST: 1 - Orbit number; 2 - Solar longitude (Ls), Ls<360 for MY 34, Ls>360 for MY 35; 3 - Latitude (from -90 to +90); 4 - Longitude (from -180 to +180); 5 - Local Time (from 0 to 24 hour); 6 - Altitude of mesopause [km]; 7 - Altitude of homopause [km]; Content of a data file: 1 - Altitude of tangent point Z [km] in descend order; 2 - Temperature [K]; 3 - Error bar for Temperature [K]; 4 - Number density of CO2 [#/cm3]; 5 - Error bar for Number density of CO2 [#/cm3]; 6 - Pressure [mbar]


Absorption Spectroscopy, Density, Planetary Atmosphere, Occultation, Temperature Measurement, Mars
