Dataset of fight against the viral threat based on management and marketing during the COVID-19 economic crisis

Published: 9 November 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g6p5kjz657.1


The dataset has combined statistics on management, marketing and COVID-19 incidence for most countries in the world that provide data for international statistical accounting (for 141 countries). Thanks to this, the dataset makes it possible to conduct research both on the basis of the global economy as a whole (for a full sample of countries), and on the basis of samples from individual countries according to various criteria, for example, according to the incidence of COVID-19 or the level of maturity of market relations (developed and developing countries). Although indicators of management (e-civil society, business reliance on professional management and flexibility of government) and marketing (demanding consumers as an incentive to marketing, marketing management of conflicts of interest in business and competition as a measure of government incentives for marketing) are available in electronic format on the official World Economic Forum, this data cannot be processed, since it cannot be uploaded to the user's computer in tabular form. The dataset contains not only the initial data measured in different units of measurement, but also the average world values ​​of indicators calculated by the author and the ratio of values ​​of each country to global values. The uniqueness and value of the data included in the dataset lies in the fact that the statistics on the incidence of COVID-19 are not given in statics (as of a certain date), but in the dynamics of three trimesters of 2020: as of 03/02/2020 ( for the 1st trimester), as of 06/18/2020 (for the 2nd trimester) and as of 10/13/2020 (for the 3rd trimester). Thanks to this, the dataset is applicable for a wide range of dynamic studies of the development of the COVID-19 pandemic and crisis, and also allows the most complete, accurate and reliable determination of the dependence of the virus threat on management and marketing factors, the contribution of which is manifested exclusively in dynamics, since they provide a delayed effect. The dataset contains a convenient selection of indicators in the field of management and marketing. Indicators are selected according to two criteria. The first criterion: attitude to management (e-civil society, professional management and flexibility of public administration) and attitude to marketing (demanding consumers, marketing management of conflicts of interest and competition as an incentive to marketing). The second criterion: consumers (electronic civil society and the exactingness of consumers), business (professional management and marketing management of conflicts of interest) and the state (flexibility of government and competition as an incentive for marketing) act as the subject of management / marketing. The dataset contains indices showing the contribution of each factor and each logical group of factors to the fight against the virus threat.


Steps to reproduce

The dataset is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that contains statistics for 141 countries in the world for 2020. Management and marketing statistics are provided. The indicators of management were e-civil society, business reliance on professional management and the flexibility of public administration. Demanding consumers as an incentive to marketing, marketing management of conflicts of interest in business and competition as a measure of state marketing incentives were selected as marketing indicators). The values ​​of these indicators are calculated to the arithmetic mean over the world. The statistics of the incidence of COVID-19 for the three trimesters of 2020 are provided: as of 03/02/2020 (for the 1st trimester), as of 06/18/2020 (for the 2nd trimester) and as of 10/13/2020 (for 3 th trimester). An increase in the incidence of COVID-19 was determined in the 2nd trimester of 2020 (compared to the 1st trimester of 2020) and in the 3rd trimester of 2020 (compared to the 2nd trimester of 2020). The values ​​of the increase in the 2nd and 3rd trimester to the arithmetic mean around the world were calculated. As a result, a unified database of comparable indicators of management, marketing and growth in the incidence of COVID-19 was formed. For the convenience of reading this article, the tables contain fragments of the dataset for the first 10 countries in alphabetical order.


Economics, Econometrics
