Interator complex activates poised enhancers
Published: 21 May 2018| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g6wdgvp94b.1
Alessandro GardiniDescription
Original images of the immunoblots presented in the paper entitled Targeted enhancer activation by a subunit of the Integrator complex. The immunoblots in the datasets support the findings. The level of INTS11 and INTS13 knockdown in both leukemia derived cell line and primary cells are shown by blotting the membranes with specific antibodies. The interaction of INTS13 with the Integrator complex and NAB2 are shown through immunoprecipitation followed by immunblot with specific antibodies. Levels of NAB2 and EGR1 during differentiation are shown, as well as knockdown efficiency after infection with specific shRNA-carrying virus.
Western Blot