Explainable Detection: A Transformer-Based Language Modeling Approach for Bengali News Title Classification with Comparative Explainability Analysis Using ML & DL

Published: 3 February 2025| Version 3 | DOI: 10.17632/g6ygmy7s5r.3


This dataset is a Bangla dataset. There are total of 4 columns. The data is collected from different newspaper and more importantly, the dataset is raw. Total number of data is 6150. There are 3 classes in the Title Category. They are: National, International, and Sports—number of data from different categories, National-2089, Sports-2008, International-2053. We aim to find the title category from the title using ML, DL, and transformer-based models. As we said the data is in Bangla, after downloading the data might look corrupted. If the data is uploaded on the drive the data will look okay or the Microsoft Excel is up to date, the data will look OK.


Steps to reproduce

This type of data can be found on different newspaper in Bangladesh.


Daffodil International University


Bengali Language, Bangladesh, Language
