Dataset for clinical assessment of flexion-relaxation phenomenon
As reported in Table 1 (Supplementary Data) there are 25 case studies (12 female and 13 male) identified with an ID number belonging to two groups: 13 controls (subjects without low back pain) and 12 patients (subjects with low back pain). Data are acquired using a wireless body sensor network, as depicted in Fig.1 (Supplementary Data), and the flexion-extension test that is usually composed by 4 cycles (an appropriate number to evaluate the phenomenon). In each cycle the starting point is the "standing" position (called phase 1), then "flexion" movement (called phase 2), "full flexion" position (called phase 3) and "extension" movement (called phase 4) as can be seen in video example Vid.1 and Vid.2 (Supplementary Data). “IDx – Anamnesis.pdf” (Raw Data/IDx) identify physical condition, perceived pain and subject disability level acquired during the visit by specialized medical staff. Table 2 (Supplementary Data) summarize the perceived pain from all subjects during the time (a mean value typically perceived and values before/during/after the test) and it is useful to better understand the global physical condition during the analysis. "IDx - sEMG" file (Raw Data/IDx) contains raw sEMG data (sample frequency=2kHz): • Time series (s) -> sEMG reference time signal • sEMG1 (uV) -> sEMG left longissimus signal • sEMG2 (uV) -> sEMG right longissimus signal • sEMG3 (uV) -> sEMG left multifidus signal • sEMG4 (uV) -> sEMG right multifidus signal "IDx - Inertial" file (Raw Data/IDx) contains the inertial data (sample frequency=128Hz): • Time series (s) -> Inertial reference time signal • Gyroscope x (°/s) -> Angular velocity on the x axis • Gyroscope y (°/s) -> Angular velocity on the y axis • Gyroscope z (°/s) -> Angular velocity on the z axis • Acc x (g) -> Acceleration on the x axis • Acc y (g) -> Acceleration on the y axis • Acc z (g) -> Acceleration on the z axis • Magn x (G) -> Magnitude on the x • Magn y (G) -> Magnitude on the y • Magn z (G) -> Magnitude on the z
Steps to reproduce
The flexion-extension test is used to acquire all the data using a Wireless Body Sensor Network. The data provided are raw, there is only synchronization with the starting time (the signals are processed via Matlab software ). This dataset is useful to study the response of the muscles (muscle activation) in relation to the bending angle of the back and it is used to study the flexion-relaxation phenomenon.