DLHDF Dataset
The data set used in this study is uploaded to Mendeley Data and the download link is placed in the Appendix of the revised manuscript so that it could be freely accessed by the public. The description of the data uploaded read as follows: “The DLHDF (DL model for hydrate dissociation front ) dataset generated in this paper is provided in this dataset depository [50]. The DLHDF dataset is divided into four CSV files, namely, input.csv, output20.csv, output50.csv, and output50.csv. The arrangement of data in those four files is as follows: * input.csv contains the model input data in 31,000 simulation cases, each case has 59 THCM properties across the range defined by the minimum and maximum values. The simulations provide hydrate saturation at each element, recorded every 0.5 days for a 30-day period, which gives 60 time points in each simulation. The input properties for each time point include 60 parameters, including the properties as well as the time point tag (t) to represent the temporal status. Overall, the input.csv consists of 11,600,000 (1,860,000 times 60) inputs. There are 60 columns in the input.csv file representing the 59 parameters and the time point tag (from 1 to 60). There are 1,860,000 (31000 times 60) rows in the input.csv file representing 31,000 simulation cases with 60 time points in each case. * output20.csv contains the model output data for the location of the 20% dissociation front. Overall, the output20.csv consists of 1,860,000 (1,860,000 times 1) outputs. Each output represents the location of the dissociation front at 20% and is derived based on the first element that reaches the defined degree of dissociation among the 35 elements in the numerical model at every recorded time point. The 1,860,000 rows in the output20.csv file represent 31,000 simulation cases with 60 time points in each case. * output50.csv contains the model output data for the location of the 50% dissociation front. Overall, the output80.csv consists of 1,860,000 (1,860,000 times 1) outputs. Each output represents the location of the dissociation front at 50% and is derived based on the first element that reaches the defined degree of dissociation among the 35 elements in the numerical model at every recorded time point. The 1,860,000 rows in the output50.csv file represent 31,000 simulation cases with 60 time points in each case. * output80.csv contains the model output data for the location of the 80% dissociation front. Overall, the output80.csv consists of 1,860,000 (1,860,000 times 1) outputs. Each output represents the location of the dissociation front at 80% and is derived based on the first element that reaches the defined degree of dissociation among the 35 elements in the numerical model at every recorded time point. The 1,860,000 rows in the output80.csv file represent 31,000 simulation cases with 60 time points in each case.