Frig Valley Lacerta Thermal Traits
The data is in .csv format. Includes morphological, environmental and temperature measurements taken during 2018. This data is part of the project study supported Hacettepe University Scientific Coordination Unit, Project Title: "Frig Vadisinde Afyon Kütahya yayılış gösteren üç kertenkele türünde alansal ve zamansal sıcaklık örüntülerinin incelenmesi" "Investigating the spatial and temporal patterns of thermal biology of three sympatric lizards distributed in the Phyrigian Valley, Afyon, Turkey" Project code FHD-2018-16903. Metadata: Date: julian Date of the measurement Hour: Time of the measurement (hour:min) Species: Lizard species Sex: Gender of the individual (M:Male, F:Female, J:Juvenile), Juveniles are included as a category here as it is very difficult to asses the gender of juveniles. Body_length: Full body length from tip of snout to end of tail in mm. Body_temp: Body temperature measured from the neck region with an infrared thermometer (fluke 62) Ta: Air temperature measured from the location with a thermometer 1 meter height Ts: Substrate temperature measured from location of the individual with the same infrared thermometer. Substrate: Type of the substrate where the lizard was caught (rock, soil or grass) Solar_rad: Intensity of solar radiation measured with a pyranometer (apogee) in w/m2 Wind_speed: Wind speed measured from the lizard location with an anemometer (windtronic) Tex: Temperature excess, difference of body temperature and air temperature, Tb-Ta Months: The month of the measurement
Steps to reproduce
Lizards from both species were simultaneously studied between May and September 2018 for 45 non-rainy days (9 days in May, 7 days in June, 5 days in July, 15 days in August and 9 days in September). In order to evaluate the activity and variation in body temperature of lizards, they were captured from 07.00 to 18.00 during their diurnal activity times by visual encounter survey (VES) method (Maia-Carneiro et al., 2012), an effective method for capturing the lizards which live in open habitats and are locally abundant. The body temperatures (Tb) were measured with an infrared thermometer (Fluke 62 MAX). Due to their low invasiveness, non-contact methods such as infrared thermometers and infrared thermography are now widely used in thermal biology studies on reptiles (Barroso et al., 2016; Carretero, 2012; Tattersall, 2016). The measurements were taken from lizards’ dorsal part between their head and neck immediately 2-5 seconds after capture to avoid heat transfer to animal (0.1∘C sensitivity). The hemipenis presence/absence is also an easy way for the sexual identification of specimens. Total body length (BL) was measured from snout to the tip of the tail by a digital caliper (Ecotone ®, to the nearest 0.1 mm). After these examinations, the lizards were released to the same point where they were originally captured. Air temperatures (Ta) were taken with a digital thermometer (HTC 288-ATH ®). Substrate temperatures (Ts) were taken with the same digital infrared laser thermometer (Fluke Model 62 ®) that was used for body temperature measurements from the lizard capture point. Substrate type was recorded from the lizard capture point as grass, rock or soil. Wind speed (m/s) was measured with a Windtronic 2 ® anemometer and solar radiation (sol) (w/m2) was measured with an Apogee ® pyranometer.