Dataset: Hospitalization Trends, Yearly Examination of Clinical and Demographic Features, and Psychopathology in Pediatric Patients at a Psychiatric Hospital

Published: 18 December 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g8swfjrfnp.1
Евгений Дарьин


Excel table in Russian The purpose of the study was to comprehensively analyze the dynamics of hospitalization of minors in the psychiatric hospital of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution SPNB over a long period. Attention was paid to the study of clinical characteristics, the prevalence of cases of auto-aggression and self-harm, as well as the structure of the nosological and age composition of all hospitalized children for 1 year. Research methods include analysis of statistical reports on the bed capacity of the Specialized Psychoneurological Hospital from 2003 to 2023. A prospective, comprehensive analysis conducted between 09/01/22 and 09/01/23 used medical records, including the medical records of all pediatric inpatients. This approach made it possible to study the structure of the nosological and age composition of children with mental disorders, as well as to identify some clinical characteristics. The results obtained provide valuable information for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of mental health of minors and optimization of treatment strategies in psychiatric hospitals. The materials of this stage of the study are being prepared for publication in a scientific publication.


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Based on data from statistical reports on the functioning of the hospital’s bed capacity for the period 2003-2023, an analysis of the dynamics of patient hospitalizations for treatment in a medical organization was carried out. A prospective continuous method was used in a short period (09/01/22-09/01/23) to analyze medical documentation (medical records of all pediatric inpatients) in order to study the structure of the nosological and age composition of children with mental disorders and some clinical characteristics. The materials of this stage are presented in this publication. Among all hospitalized children, a group of teenage girls aged 12-17 years with self-harmful behavior was identified and separately studied using a continuous method, for which an analysis was carried out of all medical records of inpatient teenage girls, aged 12 to 17 years inclusive, admitted to the hospital during the specified period. period. In the presence of self-harm, patients were included in the sample of the second stage of the study. The results of the study will be presented in subsequent publications. Due to the peculiarities of the organization of psychiatric care in the Krasnodar region, the gender and age composition of hospitalized minors is heterogeneous. The hospital accepts teenage girls from all territories of the Krasnodar Territory, while male teenagers are hospitalized in other institutions. This fact became significant in determining the target group for inclusion in the study sample. Ethical aspect. The presented scientific work reflects data obtained retrospectively from medical records, is not related to people as research subjects, therefore, consideration of this stage of the study by the local ethics committee was not required. The focus group study was conducted in accordance with the WMA Declaration of Helsinki 1975 as revised in 2013, the Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, and ICH GCP standards. Permission from the local ethics committee was obtained, and there was informed consent from patients or their legal representatives for hospitalization, treatment, participation in the study and subsequent publication of anonymized scientific data.


Kubanskij gosudarstvennyj medicinskij universitet


Adolescent, Mental Disorder, Child Mental Health, Partial Hospitalization as Psychiatric Service, Prospective Cohort Study, Self-Injurious Behavior, Child Behavior Problems
