Data and code to Social network positions of common waxbills are resilient to prolonged absence and manipulation of ornamental plumage

Published: 19 June 2023| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/g8ztbt948z.1
Ana Cristina Gomes,


Data and code to replicate the analyses in the paper "Social network positions of common waxbills are resilient to prolonged absence and manipulation of ornamental plumage" Gomes et al. (2023, Animal Behaviour). This is composed by two R script files with code to replicate analyses and custom-made functions to run specific analyses, one dataset with individuals information within the two experiments, and one set of data as R object with all the data needed to run analyses. Specifically, it contains: - 'R code _ SNA_script.R': the complete R scripts needed to replicate social network analyses present in the paper, concerning both experimental manipulation analyses. This should be the only script ran, being the others imported or sourced to R by this code. - 'data _ manipulations treatment.txt': dataset containing the experimental information of all birds present in, at least, one of the experiments. This dataframe contains the bird ID, sex, origin of waxbills prior to experiments, type of manipulation in either experiment. - 'R objects_ networks_data.RDATA': it contains the social networks, social dominance scores, and the total time in RFID system, computed for either experimental manipulation's periods. - 'R code _ DSP-BC_function.R': R script with custom-made functions to run one methodological procedure of the social network analysis. Article reference: "Social network positions of common waxbills are resilient to prolonged absence and manipulation of ornamental plumage", Animal Behaviour, 2023. Ana Cristina R. Gomes, CIBIO/InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Vairão, Portugal; Neeltje J. Boogert, Centre for Ecology and Conservation, University of Exeter, Penryn, UK; Gonçalo C. Cardoso, CIBIO/InBIO, Universidade do Porto, Vairão, Portugal. March 2023, Ana Cristina R. Gomes (


Steps to reproduce

'R code _ SNA_script.R' contains all the steps and details to reproduce all analyses contained in the article. All files need to be present in the same directory in order that the 'R code _ SNA_script.R' file runs properly.


University of Exeter, Universidade do Porto Centro de Investigacao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Geneticos


Social Network Analysis, Dominance, Social Network, Sociality


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Royal Society Dorothy Hodgkin Research Fellowship

