Gait analysis after ACL reconstruction
Investigated 18 patients (with an average of 3.4 years from the ACL reconstruction) in the study group and 20 healthy subjects as controls. A functional test with walking at arbitrary and fast speeds was used. The study of gait biomechanics was carried out using the Stedis complex (Neurosoft, Ivanovo). The time of the gait cycle, as well as movements in the hip, knee, and ankle joints during walking, were recorded (Fig. 1). For this, 7 sensors of the complex were fixed using special cuffs in the following places: the sacrum, lower third of the thigh, lower third of the shin of the left and right legs, as well as on the back of the feet. Each sensor contained two EMG channels. Sensors on the thigh and lower leg were also used to record EMG of the quadriceps femoris, biceps, hamstring, tibialis anterior, and triceps surae muscles. After attaching the sensors and electrodes, the neutral position of the joints of the lower extremities was recorded with a person in the upright position. Next, the subject walked at a distance of 10 meters, turned around at the end, and continued to walk until reaching 30 or more gait cycles in a steady-state walking (it was recorded by a special neural network). The final data was produced to the accepted standard by automatic processing. The results of each study were converted into a spreadsheet. The following temporal characteristics were determined: gait cycle (SC) as the duration in seconds, the stance phase (SP) in % of SC, the single support phase (SSP) in % of SC, and the double support phase (DSP) in % of SC. The following spatial characteristics were determined: clearance (Cl) in cm, walking speed (V) in km/h, and rhythm factor (RF), i. e. the ratio of the larger SP value to the smaller one in absolute units (seconds). The following movements in the joints were recorded: the maximum range of motion in degrees per gait cycle for the hip joint (HJ), the amplitude of the first (KJ1) and second (KJ2) flexion in the knee joint in degrees, as well as maximum amplitude in the ankle joint (AJ) per gait cycle. The tibialis anterior (TA), gastrocnemius (GM), quadriceps femoris (QF), and hamstring (HM) muscles were analyzed for the maximum EMG amplitude developed per gait cycle in μV.
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Gait analysis after a few years surgical reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of the knee joint. The investigation was include a functional test with increasing walking speed was carried out at arbitrary and fast walking speeds. The subjects chose both speeds independently.