GLOBALINTO Input-Output Intangibles Database
The GLOBALINTO Input-Output Intangibles Database was constructed in the context of the Horizon2020 project ‘GLOBALINTO: Capturing the value of intangible assets in microdata to promote the EU’s Growth and Competitiveness’. The database is formulated under an input-output framework and treats intangibles as producer services that derive from certain knowledge-producing sectors in the economy (namely J62-J63 – Computer programming, consultancy, and related activities; Information service activities, M72 – Scientific research and development, M73 – Advertising and market research, and N – Administrative and support service activities) and embeds them within the context of global value chains (GVCs) as traded knowledge intermediates. Data include intangible input variables, export statistics, competitiveness metrics, and additional patent (applications) and R&D data (expenses and labor) from Eurostat, for 56 2-digit NACE Rev. 2/ ISIC Rev. 4 sectors from the EU-27 and the UK, covering the period 2000-2014.