Design and Implementation of Human Resource Information Systems Based on MVC
In this work we have presented the state of the art of requirements engineering in methodologies used for the development of HRIS system web-based. To achieve this purpose, we started describing the structure of the requirements engineering process and the most common techniques used in such a process in the classic software development for HRIS Traditionally non-web applications in an organization. During this study, various stages of the system development life cycle were executed. Understanding the problem statement, literature survey, analysis, interpretation, design and implementation gave the thorough idea of a study life-cycle. The objective behind designing of a new HRIS was to eliminate manual work to some extent and also help employees to access their own HRIS, and also sharing information with other departments in the organization. The process developed by this HRIS web-based system includes. First, I have main activities: capture requirements, definition and Analysis of requirements. The techniques most frequently used to perform these activities are among others, use cases, scenarios. I have used a combination of three requirements elicitation methodobservation, interviews and brainstorming. In the interview process, I have interviewed three potential customers. And finally, after brainstorming, I have used use case technique to specify the user requirements. Based on the user requirements, I have designed class attributes and activity diagram. In a second step I have designed the class diagram to get the clear picture of the future HRIS system. I have designed an outline of the methodologies for the web describing how these approaches cover the aspects related to requirements engineering, I use struts MVC framework and J2EE standard platform technology, a new flexible, high-effect, expandable enterprise human resources management system framework is designed and then implemented. This system not only can successfully resolve a large number of practical problems the enterprise human resources management faced to improve human resources management efficiency, but also the information system is simple and easy to implement, has strong features such as easy to expand, easy to maintain, flexible and secure. Finally, I have also designed GUI prototypes. This study can be further extended in implementation of other modules of HRIS like recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation, benefits and payroll. Can be used another framework for developing this application for example (ASP.NET MVC &Spring MVC) easily. Reason the persistence layer and business logic layer it will not be affected, thus the system flexibility and maintainability.