Chest Physiotherapy Data Set_Excel
Data Collection The research was conducted with the children of parents who were hospitalized in the PICU, met the selection criteria, and agreed to participate in the research, after obtaining the necessary permissions. In the study, children were divided into two separate groups: 21 in the intervention group and 21 in the control group, using a randomization list prepared with a web-based electronic program ( The purpose of the research was explained to the parents and information was given. Written permission was obtained from the parents via an informed consent form. The Patient Data Collection Form was completed for the children in the intervention and control groups before the procedure. Before the intervention, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and heart rates of both groups were measured and the values were recorded on the Physiologic Parameter Evaluation Form. Routine blood gas analysis was performed daily for patients in both groups. Chest physiotherapy and aspiration were performed to both groups at least once per day. Patients in the intervention group first underwent CP, then nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal aspiration, and immediately afterward, the inhaler medication was administered to the patient via an oxygen mask. Thirty minutes after the specified steps were completed, the patient's vital findings were recorded on the Physiological Parameter Evaluation Form. The patients in the control group were first given the inhaler medication through an oxygen mask, then CP was performed, and immediately afterward nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal aspiration was performed. In the patients in the control group, vital signs were recorded on the Physiological Parameter Evaluation Form 30 minutes after the specified steps were completed. SPO2: saturation value Blood Gas: pH, PaCO2, PaO2, SaO2, HCO3 Respiratory Rate Heart Rate: Pulse
Steps to reproduce
Data Collection Tools A patient data collection form, a physiologic parameter evaluation form, a tapotement and vibration procedure form, and a nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal aspiration procedure form were used to obtain the data. Patient Data Collection Form: This form, created by the researcher using the literature, consisted of 20 questions. It consisted of introductory information such as the patient's age, sex, medical diagnosis, chronic diseases, infectious diseases, respiratory support devices of the patient, frequency of inhaler drug application, and method and frequency of aspiration application (Watkins et al., 2015; O'Driscoll et al., 2017; Tiryaki and Çınar, 2017; Morrow, 2019; Chaves et. al, 2019; Wheeler and Smallwood, 2019). Physiological Parameter Evaluation Form: This form, created by the researcher, included recordings of heart rate, SPO2%, respiratory rate, blood pressure (mm_Hg) and blood gas analyses of patients constantly monitored in the clinic. In the study, the parameters in the physiological parameter evaluation form were obtained using bedside monitors. Tapotement and Vibration Procedure Form: The percussion (tapotement) procedure form, which was created by the researcher using the literature, consisted of 10 items. It indicated how to perform percussion and vibration, respectively. The procedure, in which the procedure steps were specified, was performed by the researcher (Salvo, 2019; Kıra et al., 2019; Meawad et al., 2018; AARC Clinical Practice Guideline, 2013; Karagözoğlu et al., 2013). Nasopharyngeal and Oropharyngeal Aspiration Procedure Form: The aspiration application procedure, consisting of 19 items, listed the nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal aspiration procedure steps. The procedure created by the researcher by scanning the relevant literature was performed by the researcher (Bozan and Güven, 2020; Khimani, 2015; AARC, 2010). Patient Monitor: In the PICU where the research was conducted, the bedside monitors used to observe the patient's vital signs were Philips MX450. All monitors had the same features and functions for use at every bedside and were suitable for use in pediatric patients. Calibration of these monitors was performed regularly by the biomedical technical department of the hospital. With these devices, many measurements could be made on patients such as electrocardiogram (ECG), peak heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiratory rate, noninvasive blood pressure (NIBP), BiSpectral Index (BIS), end-tidal carbondioxide (etCO2), and arterial blood pressure. Blood Gas Device: The blood gas devices used to analyze the patient's blood gas were Radiometer Copenhagen ABL800 FLEX. These measured metabolites such as pH, PaCO2, PaO2, SaO2, cGlu, cLac, cCrea; electrolytes such as cCa2+, cCl-, cK+, cNa+, and oximeter values such as FCOHb, ctBil, ctHb, FHbF, FHHb, FMetHb, sO2, FO2Hb. Calibration was performed regularly by Akınlab Laboratory Devices technical department.