Vehicle Routing Planning Articles Dataset: A Review of Emerald Insight

Published: 6 December 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gb867vfkwc.1
Daniel Armando Aguirre Ibarra,


The dataset was constructed using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) methodology, a widely recognized approach for conducting systematic reviews. PRISMA ensures rigor and transparency in identifying, screening, and including articles, making this dataset a reliable source for future studies. This dataset consists of two sheets that organize the information in complementary ways to address different analytical needs. Sheet 1: General Classification of Articles This sheet includes information on 254 articles identified through the PRISMA methodology. The articles are classified based on the following fields: Journal: The academic journal in which the article was published. Number of Downloads: An indicator of the article's popularity or relevance in the academic community. Year of Publication: The year the article was published, enabling time-series analyses and tracking of research trends. Main Keyword: The primary keyword associated with the article, reflecting its central theme or focus. Title of the Paper: The full title of the article, offering insights into the specific topics addressed. Results: A brief summary of the findings or contributions of the article. This sheet allows researchers to explore VRP-related literature broadly, identifying patterns such as publication trends, popular journals, or frequently used keywords. Sheet 2: Taxonomy-Based Organization This sheet re-organizes the dataset by focusing exclusively on articles classified under open-access filters and arranges them according to a vehicle routing taxonomy. The taxonomy categorizes the articles based on specific VRP-related topics, such as type of study, applied method, time window structure among others.This sheet is particularly valuable for focused studies, as it groups articles in a way that aligns with specific research interests or applications.



Constrained Optimization, Vehicle Routing Problem, Logistics, Literature Review
