Prevalence of dental erosion of extrinsic origin in students of the clinic l - lV of the dental school of the UNPHU in the period January - April 2023

Published: 16 April 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gbk6xttkf7.1


Dental erosion (ED) is classified among lesions of non-carious origin as a pathological entity involving a loss of consistency and integrity of enamel and dentin. It is usually associated with acidic factors of intrinsic or extrinsic origin. The main objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of dental erosion of extrinsic origin in the student population of Clinic I-IV of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña during the period January- April 2023. The population consisted of 118 students aged between 18 and 25 who were studying at the I-IV clinics. A data collection form was used to collect information on the students' different dietary habits, such as intake and frequency of consumption of carbonated, alcoholic, and isotonic drinks. The oral cavity of each participant was examined, and the BEWE index and risk level of each participant were determined. The results showed the presence of dental erosion in 78 (82.11%) of the students, of which 57 (60%) were female and 21 (22.11%) were male. According to the dietary patterns identified, the most commonly consumed citrus fruit was lemon, consumed by 40 students (42.11%), of whom 33 (34.74%) showed signs of dental erosion (DE). As for dairy products, cheese was the most consumed product, consumed by a total of 45 students (47.37%), of whom 40 (42.11%) showed signs of dental erosion. For seafood, prawns were the most popular, consumed by 40 students (42.11%), of whom 32 (33.68%) showed signs of tooth erosion. However, in terms of highly acidic drinks, such as fizzy drinks, it was found that Coca-Cola was the most consumed by 32 students (33.68%), of whom 26 (27.37%) showed signs of tooth erosion. For isotonic drinks, Gatorade was preferred by 15 students (15.79%), of whom 12 (12.63%) showed dental erosion. Regarding alcoholic drinks, rum was the most consumed option by 30 students (31.58%), of whom 24 (25.26%) showed dental erosion. It was observed that dental erosion is present in the population studied and that the risk level of the same is between levels 3-8, which is considered low.


Steps to reproduce

A form designed by the researchers was used to collect the information, which an expert in the field validated. This form consists of three parts: the first part collects the patient's data (age, sex, clinical level); in the second part, participants complete tables detailing their dietary habits and the frequency with which they consume certain foods and beverages; finally, the third part included an odontogram where the results of the clinical evaluation, carried out with the aid of binocular loupes, were recorded. Subsequently, a table detailing the number of teeth affected by sextants was completed to calculate the BEWE index and determine the level of risk. The collected data were compared, tabulated, and classified according to the BEWE index and the corresponding risk level, in order to achieve the research objectives.


Universidad Nacional Pedro Henriquez Urena


Erosion, Citric Acid Cycle, Erosional Process, Dental Anomaly
