Cephalometric measures correlate with polysomnography parameters in individuals with midface deficiency

Published: 13 February 2020| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gbn66cpg4s.1
Renato Bittar


To determine whether the cephalometric measurements studied could correlate with the polysomnographic parameters in order to provide a positive or negative predictive value for association with OSAS.


Steps to reproduce

680/5000 1. The "Telerradiografias iniciais" folder contains patient exams encoded by a numeral followed by the letters A (before) or D (after). 2. The "Marcaramento" file has the information to which patient each radiographic exam belongs. 3. From these radiographs, the tracings described in the article can be replicated. 4. The "Medidas cefalométricas" worksheet contains tabs for cephalometric measurements taken 3 times by the same examiner and calculating the averages of these measurements 5. The "Ermac_avanço Max" spreadsheet contains all cephalometric data combined with polysomnographic data, measures of association, amount of bone movement in each type of surgery.


Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo


Sleep Apnea, Cephalometry
