Dataset of Transparency and Accountability in Brazilian National Sport Organisations

Published: 4 March 2024| Version 1 | DOI: 10.17632/gbtj43xtx9.1
Gustavo Bavaresco


This data is a primary data collected with the use of a questionnaire to analyse the transparency and accountability in Brazilian National Sport Organizations. This data has been coded, and standartized. This data was collected by six years, with 34 NSOs. This work has been approved by the Ethics Committee of the Physical Education Department at the Federal University of Paraná.


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This data was obtained with a partnership with Sport Intelligence Research Institute (IPIE) and the Sou do Esporte (SDE) organization to collect and analyze governance-related information. Each year researchers collected data related to transparency, and accountability. The score for each NSO was derived through of standartized data. The standardization takes information about the mean and standard deviation of a variable and produces a value corresponding to each original value that specifies the position of this original value within the original distribution of the data.


Governance, Sport
